Page 2 - MVU Watts Up Fall, 2018
P. 2

INSIDE THIS ISSUE                               FALL 2018

        2  City Hall and   3  Customer Service   4  Utilities    5  Employment     6  Commercial    7  MVU Customer
           Solar Carport    Mobile App & Level     Commission       Resource         Energy            Highlights
                            Payment Plan                            Center           Efficiency        Public Power
                                                                                     Programs          Week


        The City Hall Solar Carport is directly connected to the utility’s distribution grid and
        was brought on-line in August 2018. The solar system charges a battery storage unit
        that provides power to the City’s electric vehicle charging stations. This means
        that the electric vehicles that charge here are truly powered by the sun!


        An  informational  kiosk  located  in  the  City  Hall  lobby  will
        display real-time solar production and greenhouse gas emission
        reduction statistics.

        Did You Know?

        According to the  U.S.  Department of Energy,
        office equipment makes up about 16 percent of
        an office’s energy use. And, in U.S. organizations,
        the U.S. Environmental Protection  Agency
        (EPA) estimates  that more  than $1 billion
        each  year is  frittered away on electricity  for
        computer  monitors  that  are  left  on.  But,  there
        are a  few  things  you can do  to keep office
        equipment  from using unreasonable  amounts
        of power. To learn more, please see page 6.

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