Page 4 - MVU-BusinessNewsletter-Spring2018
P. 4

City of Moreno Valley
                 POWER RESOURCES

                  In this issue, we look back 50 years with great    generated by clean resources like the sun
                   respect to the energy contributions made          and  wind.  So,  cheers  to  Art  Rosenfeld  for
                    by the late Professor Arthur Rosenfeld, as       setting America’s energy future on a new
                     well as into the future as we prepare           path five decades ago!
                      to meet MVU’s prospective energy

                          The electric utility industry is in a
                           period of great change. We have
                             big challenges to overcome,
                              including  figuring  out  how  to
                               best integrate renewable
                                energy  while  maintaining
                                 MVU’s incredibly high power
                                   reliability and affordability.
                                    Renewable          ener gy
                                     resources are by their
                                      nature  intermittent,  but
                                       you  and  the  rest  of
                                         Moreno Valley need          MVU  fully  supports  a  diversified,  sustainable
                                          energy constantly.         power supply that includes renewables, energy
                                           We’ll     definitely      efficiency, demand response, energy storage,
                                            overcome today’s         electric vehicles, and cost-effective and clean
                                              challenges  and        distributed generation. MVU has entered into
                                               in  the  coming
                                                years       will     long-term energy purchase agreements for
                                                 provide  our        renewable  energy  that  includes  utility-scale
                                                  customer-          solar, wind, and small hydro.  MVU will continue
                                                    owners with      to  seek  out  cost-effective  energy  purchases
                                                     power at        to  meet  our  strategic  goals  and  the  state’s
                                                      least 50%      aggressive climate goals.

     C i t y o f M o r eno V alle y
                                                                          C ur r ent o p ening s
   Utilities Commission
                                                                          Two openings as of July 1, 2018:
                                                             One Public Member (must be a residential customer of MVU)
                                                                        One Business Customer of MV Utility

                                                                          Term Expiration to be determined
   YOU’VE GOT GREAT IDEAS.                                   Contact the City Clerk’s Offi ce at (951) 413-3001 for details.

                                                                T o A p p l y, G et an A p p li c at i on
                                                                             City Clerk’s Department
                                                                                 14177 Frederick St.
                                                                       Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
                                                                             Friday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
                                                                               or visit

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