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Power Content

Current Power Content Label

If you would like to know more, please contact us by calling 951.413.3500 or by email.

For general information about the Power Content Label, contact the California Energy Commission at: 1.844.217.6229

The Power Content Label shows Moreno Valley Utility’s actual power supply mix for the previous calendar year. The state’s most current reported mix of power resources as estimated by the California Energy Commission is also included.

This information is provided as a reference point for you to evaluate your utility’s resource mix, compared with the electricity being used within the state. MVU plans to increase renewable resources in our power mix. We remain committed to supporting environmentally sound energy generation.

2023 Power Content Label

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intensity (lbsC0xe/MWh)

City of Moreno Valley 2023 CA Utility Average
719 373
Energy Resources Power Mix 2023 CA Power Mix**
Eligible Renewable*

Biomass & waste 
Eligible hydroelectric
23.8% 36.9%
Coal 0% 1.8%
Large Hydroelectric 0% 11.7%
Natural Gas 0% 36.6%
Nuclear 0% 9.3%
Other 0% 0.1%
Unspecified sources of power** 76.2% 3.7%
Total 100% 100%
Percentage of Retail Sales Covered by Retired Unbundled RECs***: 0% 0%

* The eligible renewable percentage above does not reflect RPS compliance, which is determined using a different methodology

** Unspecified power is electricity that has been purchased through open market transactions and is not traceable to a specific generation source.

*** Renewable energy credits (RECs) are tracking instruments issued for renewable generation. Unbundled renewable energy credits (RECs) represent renewable generation that was not delivered to serve retail sales. Unbundled RECs are not reflected in the power mix or GHG emissions intensities above