Engage MoVal is a community outreach effort to foster greater communication and participation with the residents living in the City’s disadvantaged communities.
Disadvantaged communities are those that have characteristics, defined by CalEnvrioScreen 3.0, that make them disproportionately burdened by, and vulnerable to health risks. The City of Moreno Valley has partnered with the Family Service Association, the Moreno Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Riverside University Health System – Public Health, and the state of California in the Engage MoVal effort. Each partner shares the common goal of improving the lives of residents, businesses, and stakeholders within disadvantaged communities via investment in processes, programs, infrastructure, and other projects that can improve public health, economic opportunities, and overall quality of life for the residents in these communities.
The work upon which this publication is based was funded in whole or in part through a Transformative Climate Communities grant awarded by the California Strategic Growth Council and administered by the California Department of Conservation. The Engage MoVal toolbox resulted in documented strategies and best practices that the City will use to conduct meaningful and effective engagement with residents in the disadvantaged areas of the City, thereby increasing their accessibility to, and participation in, the City’s planning decision making processes.
Contact us:
Community Development Department
Planning Division
Claudia Manrique, Associate Planner

California Strategic Growth Council
Engage MoVal is supported by The California Strategic Growth Council (SGC). SGC works collaboratively with public agencies, communities, and stakeholders to achieve sustainability, equity, economic prosperity, and quality of life for all. Learn more.
CA Department of Conservation
Engage MoVal is supported by the California Department of Conservation’s Division of Land Resource Protection. The Division of Land Resource Protection (DLRP) serves as the state’s leader in conserving California’s irreplaceable agricultural lands. DLRP provides information, as well as technical and financial assistance, to partners in order to protect California’s agricultural land and promote sustainable growth. Learn more.