The Moreno Valley community has a wide variety of needs and wants, many of which cannot be addressed by local government alone. In many cases, social needs are most effectively met by non-governmental entities working directly with residents.
Moreno Valley is extremely fortunate to have a variety of churches, civic organizations, community based non-profits and businesses uniquely suited to work with residents and other groups to enhance quality of life. Many of these groups list their need for volunteers and other service opportunities on Just Serve
Community Resources

Local Church Listing Moreno Valley
The City of Moreno Valley maintains a comprehensive list of local churches and houses of worship.
See a list of all local houses of worship.

Citywide Coalition Resource Directory
The Resource Directory features a listing various community resources available throughout the City of Moreno Valley. The Resource Directory includes services such as children services, health services, transportation services and more.

Moreno Valley Local Resource Guide
The City of Moreno Valley’s Local Resource Guide contains a list and location maps of organizations which provide services such as homeless shelters, emergency housing, food or clothing assistance, mental health assistance and many other vital resources.

Animal Service Donations
Moreno Valley Animal Services has a wish list of items and a bed donation program. Learn more
Helping Others

Veteran Assistance
The goal of U.S. Vets-Inland Empire’s transitional housing program is to help homeless vets gain residential stability, increase their skill levels and income, and achieve a greater level of self-determination through employment and other comprehensive supportive services. Learn more.

Senior Center
The center of all senior activities in our City is the Moreno Valley Senior Community Center. Here seniors 50 years and older can find a warm, friendly place to enjoy themselves as well as an opportunity to meet new friends. Learn more.

Homeless Assistance
The City has several programs to plan to organize and deliver supportive social services to the local homeless population. Learn more.
Community Beautification

Community Enhancement & Neighborhood Services
The City’s Community Enhancement and Neighborhood Services Division is responsible for code enforcement related to neighborhood nuisances including health and safety concerns, substandard housing, vehicle abatement, zoning/land use, illegal signs, parking control, weed abatement, and more.
Learn more.

Report Graffiti
You can help keep your community beautiful by reporting graffiti. Use the button or the City’s mobile app to report graffiti.

Moreno Valley has a wide range of needs often served best by Social Capital, which is the social cooperation between groups as they work directly with one another to enhance the community’s quality of life.
Learn more,

County of Riverside Department
of Public Social Services
The Riverside County website has various resources available to Riverside County residents and visitors, the site is designed to make it easier to access the many programs and services offered by county government and non-profit agencies.
Vist the Department of Social Services.